Friday, May 6, 2016

Artwork for the 3rd Annual Night of the Arts

Proud artists Celine, Kimberly, and Xinocol 
Close to completing the hanging of the show. Here is a little taste of some of the artwork chosen for the Night of the Arts. The long hours of preparation and planning of details is well worth the celebration for our NYC Art Community at Richard R. Green High School. #rrghst #brianbachisin #highschoolart
The gallery
Chinese Landscape Scrolls and mixed media landcape paintings
Still lifes and fruit oil pastel drawings
Chris Corporan hiding behind trawberries
Model sketches by Liz Sanchez
Chinese scrolls and Buddha painting
Destiny and Malasia with some juicy looking paintings
The gallery
Parent Artist  Kelvin Bourne's display 
Mixed media coffee can still lifes

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