Monday, March 13, 2017

Coffee Can Still Life

Some amazing still life work from RRG Freshmen students 2016-17. These are 1st year art students. A perfect example of why students should have the option to take art throughout high school, not only one year. Talent like this needs to built and encouraged in school, not exposed then thrown away. Unfortunately, these students of mine will not be taking art ever again in high school after their freshmen year unless they pursue it on their own time, take it privately, or switch schools. The schools in NYC that offer advanced art classes with required prerequisites are scarce and often difficult to get into. These are Title 1 students and do not have the finances to pursue art privately. Would you believe art is not an option to all students once they complete one year of it in public schools? NYC is one of the art capitals of the world. This is not equality for all students. #equalityforallstudents #brianbachisin #rrghst
#rrgart #highschoolart #nycart

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